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Week 46: Best Transfer!

Hello hello friends!!

I feel SO loved by all of you and your sweet birthday wishes!!!! Thank you so much for your kind words. Sometimes it’s easy to get sad when you don’t get many emails, and honestly I forgot it was my birthday this week, so I was SO surprised when I opened my box to so many kind emails from everyone I love. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! You all helped me feel really loved this week 🙂


This week was a really good one. We still don’t have any work, which means we didn’t get to teach any lessons this week… BUT it was still a really good one. My new companion Dyson NÅ‘vér is the cutest and funniest person I know. We are just laughing all the time and I love listening to her cutest British accent! I’ve started using weird British slang and even catch myself thinking in her accent which is hilarious and we have so much fun together. And we have the coolest elders ever!!!!!!!! Holy cow we are going to have a lot of fun together. There’s the zone leaders, Elder Szerdi and Elder Rodgers. I served with Szerdi in Kaposvár and again here in Szeged last transfer. And Elder Rodgers is super cool too and this is his last transfer. Then there is our District leader, Elder Veres who is super funny and he is training Elder Durney who is the smartest new missionary (we aren’t allowed to say greenie anymore haha) I have ever met. We have so much fun together and I really think this transfer is going to be one for the books.


So we had one lesson on Friday night, and it was a complete disaster… I was like wanting to cry afterwards and I decided that I didn’t want to be senior companion anymore haha! But then the member that was there was explaining that she had no idea what the investigator was saying or what was even going on in the lesson either and I felt so much better. Sometimes we teach strange people…hahaha but I am really really loving all of our people here in Hungary whether I can understand them or not haha!!



Since we didn’t have any lessons other than that disaster I don’t have a ton to write about… But we taught Sunday school yesterday and we got to get everyone pumped up for this week. As a mission we are trying to get all the members help so we can give out 1000 Book of Mormon this week!! At first we were kind of nervous honestly because sometimes it is hard to get members excited about missionary work. But by the end of our lesson people were asking for 2, 3, or even 4 books because they knew exactly the people they wanted to give them too. It was really really cool! We will be ending the challenge week with a Meet the Mormons movie night at each branch house, and everyone is going to invite the person they gave a book to and they can watch the movie and meet us, the missionaries. We are really really excited about this week and I really hope it turns out well!!!

Another quote I read this week that I really loved: “We all search for happiness, and we all try to find our own ‘happily ever after.’ The truth is, God knows how to get there! And He has created a map for you; He knows the way. He is your beloved Heavenly Father, who seeks for your good, your happiness. He desires with all the love of a perfect and pure Father that you reach your supernal destination. The map is available to all.” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

I know that this is true, and I know that as we diligently pray and study and seek out our map from God that He will reveal it to us. I love being a missionary! I love Hungary. I love these people, yes, even when they scream at us, tell us we speak bad Hungarian, or push my companion on the ground while we are tracting. I know that this is God’s work and there is NOTHING else I would rather be doing right now. I love my Heavenly Father, and I know He loves me too.

Sok szeretettel,

Mason Nővér
