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Transfers …4 down, 4 to go!



Can you believe its transfer week already???

I realized I never really explained how these work. So basically Monday night you get NO sleep because you are freaking out and thinking of all the possible transfer calls you could get. Then you roll out of bed on Tuesday morning and brush your teeth and sit and stare at the phone for a few hours. I’m not kidding when I say it’s the longest couple of hours of you life. If you are training or getting a leadership position like STL or AP or ZL, President calls. He usually does these calls before 8 o’clock. Then at 8 the APs start calling everyone else who has normal transfer calls and tells them where they will be moving the next morning. So, this morning we sat and sat and sat for what felt like days just staring at the phone, praying President’s special ringtone wouldn’t go off. Finally, after like the 20 longest hours of death the phone rang. And the result is….. I am Staying in SZEGED. YES! Exactly what I hoped for. And cutest Dyson Nővér will come and be my new companion. I am super nervous because she is two transfers below me, which means I am the senior companion. I still don’t feel like I can get anything across to these people in my broken Hungarian, so I’m a little stressed out. BUT I know that God is with us and will fill in all the gaps!! Vielstich Nővér will be going to her dream city of Debrecen… one of my dreams too 🙂 And now the transfer call stress is over and we don’t have to deal with it for another 8 weeks 🙂

Also they are opening up a new elder companionship here tomorrow! An elder from my comp’s group will be training. We are really really excited to have a bigger district! So fun right? But the only bummer is that they will be living in our old apartment…which means that we will have to divide up our area boundaries again. And since all of our investigators live by the other apartment, the new elders will be teaching them. So we don’t get to keep teaching ANY of the same people. That is really a huge bummer to me because I LOVE the people that we get to teach, but it gives us an opportunity to find more work in parts of town that have never been touched. And we get to keep the pretty downtown part in our area and we will for sure be able to gear up and find more people to teach.


So to be honest this week the work was really slow… and we had like no lessons again. BUT its okay. Some funny things happened and laughs were had and I am really really going to miss Vielstich Nővér. Best friends for life.


We got the heaters working in our house finally so we aren’t freezing to death anymore. Blessings.

We got dogged three times in one day on Friday….


On Sunday one of my fav members invited us over for lunch…and my companion ate the most disgusting looking GOOSE NECK. Thank goodness I couldn’t eat the rest of the ingredients in the soup because I might have thrown up right on the spot. Hahaha I got a special rice and paprika meal 🙂


We tracted a building in the belváros and every single person in it didn’t understand Hungarian, only English! Weirdest feeling tracting a whole building in English. We think it was all students or something.

Yesterday we got to spend Black Monday in Budapest because I had another doctor appointment. That was really really exciting because Black Monday is no fun! But we got to spend it in my most fav city in the whole world so it was great.


Well, sorry that’s about it for this week. Trying to enjoy the slow weeks as much as the packed ones. It’s hard but I’m learning. This week I read the best quote I wanted to share with you all:

“If you have troubles at home with children who stray, if you suffer from financial reverses and emotional strain that threaten your homes and your happiness, if you must face the loss of life or health, may peace be unto your soul. We will not be tempted beyond our ability to withstand. Our detours and disappointments are the straight and narrow path to Him.” President Howard W. Hunter

I know that God won’t give us anything above what we can handle if we turn to him. I think that is the key part…He gives us things in our lives that are really hard… and a lot of times I think that we probably couldn’t get through a lot of it alone. But that is why He gives us these hard things. It is so we can learn how to utilize the atonement and develop a personal relationship with Him. That is why I am so grateful for all of my hard things. Without them I wouldn’t be able to know the Savior as personally as I do. And I am working on strengthening that relationship every day. You should too! 🙂

Sok szeretettel,

Mason Nővér

