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1000 Book of Mormons


What’s up friends? Not kidding when I say these weeks are just going by faster and faster every time! Really not liking it so just trying to ignore it instead 馃檪 So this week…

Tuesday: We had interviews with President. I don’t know why but I always just get so scared before interviews! I feel like Pres just knows everything I’ve done in my life… even things I don’t know about. Hahaha! But it went really well and he always has great things to say about our service and it I’m always feeling motivated after 馃檪 Also it was randomly the coldest day of my life so that was refreshing!


Wednesday: Kind of a lame day to be honest, we had two of our progressing investigators drop us… that’ll make you feel like the best missionary, right? Then we had probably the worst let in known to all missionkind. This man let us into our house and wanted us to try his gross alcohol that smelled like lemon dish soap and was making us smell all of these weird perfumes. I was pretty sketched out so I didn’t actually smell anything, just put my face up to it and said mmm! Hahaha but then we finally got him to let us talk about A Mormon K枚nyve, and he starts laughing his head off and telling us how bad we are at Hungarian. He was saying the rudest things I’ve ever been told! Telling us we needed to leave his house because we were painful to spend time with, and the most awkward people he has met. We kind of wanted to cry when we left, but instead we decided to laugh it off (which kind of made us cry anyways hahah) and I just sang “Shake It Off” really loudly and everything was okay again 馃檪


Thursday: District meeting about how to improve our studies! Studies are one of the best parts about mission life. Love it. Then we tracted in a part of town we had never been to, and then had angol 贸ra!

Friday: We took a selfie with a dancing chicken, so basically it was the best day haha! Also we got to meet with a newer person named Tam谩s. We talked about the importance of the Book of Mormon.


Saturday: There was a paprika festival downtown so of course we had to walk through that. Then we got to meet with Laci. He is actually progressing pretty well. We talked a lot about hope. Something I never thought twice about before my mission, but I have really loved studying it out here.


Sunday: 10 month mark, and I’m still alive! Double digits. We got to watch the Saturday afternoon session of conference. dang once again, I just LOVE conference. I really loved Elder Bednar’s talk.

Today: We went out to H贸dmez艖v谩s谩rhely to help a less active out with some English translating, and he treated us to lunch afterwards. The nicest family! And the most delicious lunch 馃檪


This week we were walking down the street and we hear some teenage boy yell (in English) “HEY LOOK! FREE WIFI!!!” and Vielstich N艖v茅r and I just started cracking up so bad because we felt like we were at home again.


Magdus from Kaposv谩r is getting BAPTIZED on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I freaked out when I got the phone call last night. I don’t feel like a failure anymore 馃檪 haha just kidding, but really I am beyond excited for her and I really wish I could be there. It’s just too far away though 馃檨

I stopped and thought about the translation of H贸dmez艖v谩s谩rhe茅y on the bus there this week…. and I am proud to announce that it means beaver field shopping place. I LOVE THIS ORSZ脕G (country) 馃檪

I’m stupid and put a metal bowl in the microwave this week… just don’t ever do that anyone, okay? Also dad I know I’m not supposed to do that so don’t yell at me:)

We have a challenge going on soon here in Hungary where in the members and missionaries across the whole country are going to place 1000 Book of Mormons in ONE WEEK. We are so excited about it!! It’s gonna be awesome. I know missionary work seems so scary, but I also know it is the most important and rewarding work there is. I know if every member prays about someone that that they can give their book to, God will answer their prayers! I even bore my testimony about it in church yesterday (I know I’ve come a long way). I think it would do us all well if we all tried a little harder to be better missionaries.

Well I think that’s about it for this week. Next week I won’t be on until Tuesday…because its transfer time again!!! Already? I’m so scared because I think I might finally be going senior. I do NOT feel ready for that, but God fills in the gaps, right? Time to put that to the test 馃檪

sok szeretettel,

Mason N艖v茅r
