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So much uplifting!

Hey hey everyone!

This week was the busiest week ever. I love those kinds of weeks!


Sadly, things with Melinda are not going so well. She has been going through a pretty rough time and has asked that we stop meeting for the moment being. Honestly, my heart is pretty crushed. I love her so much and I have put more into her than I ever thought was possible. Like I said last week, people’s agency is a hard thing for me! I know that if she would accept this gospel she will be strengthened to be able to bear these burdens. It is so hard to finally find someone that wants to listen and loves the gospel, and then to watch them throw it all away. Don’t want to be negative, but I feel kind of useless sometimes when things like this happen. My heart is broken and I have had some teary eyes, but I really still do love her. A lot, a lot, a lot. But, I know that we met her for a reason and that there is a seed planted. If now isn’t her time, maybe in the future she will remember what she felt with us.

On a happier note, We got to have zone conference in Budapest this week! It was on language study which was really really helpful. I just love zone things! It helps me feel motivated and I just love the missionaries here in this mission. It helps me see I am not alone in this work!





Also on Friday, we had a special zone field day. We got the numbers to reach president’s challenge this transfer, so the whole zone came down to Szeged and we got to watch Inside Out, have Gyros together, play so many games, volleyball and just hang out with each other and President and Sister Szabadkai. SO MUCH LOVE FOR THESE PEOPLE!!!! Also it was just the best day ever being able to relax and share stories and laugh and just have a blast with the people I love so much. Seriously. These people will always have a special place in my heart! We are all so different, but there is just something about going through all this crazy roller coaster together that makes us so close. Happy happy happy.


Then, GENERAL CONFERENCE! Is it just me or does it get better and better every single time????? I love conference as a missionary. You guys, the church is so true. I got SO many answers to my questions. Questions I didn’t even know were weighing me down were answered! And I feel so loved and blessed. Also the fact I got to watch the whole thing in ENGLISH was amazing. I can’t even remember all my favorite parts right now because I am typing so fast but President Uchtdorf was amazing of course and the Japanese guy that shared the story about the missionary in his mission. I’m sorry I don’t have more to talk about or say about conference but if you haven’t seen it, WATCH IT. NOW. I feel so peaceful in my soul and I feel so much of God’s love through the words of his prophets and apostles. I love life!!!!!!

I think my favorite part of conference was the talk about the man that was loosing a battle with cancer. He was praying and praying to know why he was so sick, and what he needed to learn from this experience. He finally felt like he got his answer. He said God needs strong sons. I have been really pondering that the last few days… as I think about my trials and burdens and those of my family and loved ones… and sometimes it is easy to get discouraged and sit back and ask why? Why do there have to be hard things? I can add my testimony to his by saying God needs strong daughters. Life wasn’t meant to be easy! We were made to stand up for truth and be joyful. I know that is true. I am going to work on finding more joy in ordinary things. I know that God also needs strong daughters. And I want to be one of them!

I hope you all have another great week. Go watch conference again and ponder the words of the prophets!

Sok szeretettel,

Mason Nővér
