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Transfers: 5 down, 3 to go…!

Hello hello!

So this week is transfers again…already! Seriously can’t believe it. Really really sad that this one has come to an end. The district this time around was a dream and I am really sad to be leaving behind some best friends. So… the big news. This transfer, I will be heading to PEST! My dream!!!!! This girl loves big cities and this means that I get to finish up my mission in the hands down coolest city in the world, Budapest. The Pest side is more city like and it is where I have wanted to serve my whole mission. And I will be serving with Hughes Nővér, a second transfer. So I get to finish up her training and she is seriously so stinking cute. I am BEYOND excited for this new adventure in Pest!! And Veres Elder, my district leader will be coming to Pest with me to be a zone leader! SO that is super fun. EEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Can you tell I’m excited?? haha 🙂

Tuesday: It was Mikulás naja! So on Dec 6 here Santa comes and puts treats in the little kids shoes. Robi, a member from the branch was so kind to give me some treats to hide in our shoes on Monday night when my companion went to sleep. We woke up with cute things in our shoes and it made us so happy 🙂dscn4796dscn4798

Wednesday: We had a caroling activity in the Belváros! So fun. We sang with the elders and had a blast and gave away some Christmas inititiative cards. We got to meet with a new guy, Lászlo. He had a ton of questions about the Plan of Salvation so we are planning on going in depth with that this week.

Thursday: Last district meeting of the transfer… so stinking sad. then angol óra and we talked to them about Christmas words and phrases.

Friday: We won President’s challenge and we got to have a zone day!!! best day. We played lots of games and watched Zootropolis (i think in English its Zootopia) and made gingerbread cookies with Sister Szabadkai and listened to Christmas music and had SO MUCH FUN. Then I wrecked a bunch of elders arm wrestling and there were a bunch of elders who refused to go against me (I think they were embarrassed to lose in front of everyone else… hehe). then we got to go to Budapest and spend the night in the mission home because I had doctors appointments on Saturday. That place…so nice. We got to use a real nice shower and sleep on beds that had mattresses and I felt like I was at home.


Saturday: Sis Szabadkai packed us the cutest little lunches ever for the train ride home so I was super happy. She mad me a special smoothie and sandwiches and pomegranate and oranges and pumpkin… I felt really loved. Then the doctor appt went not super well so I was pretty cranky honestly. And then the train ticket machine ate my money and there was some scary stuff going down on the train ride back home. But were alive and all is well haha! When we got back it was time for a BAPTISM!!!!!! Izabella finally turned 8 on Friday and was baptized on Saturday. It was the happiest day ever. I love this tiny growing community and the spirit was so strong and we felt so close to these people. happy happy happy.


Sunday: A last Sunday in Szeged and a few tears were shed. I love this branch so much and I am so upset to be leaving them. They have become my little family! It was the Primary Sacrament meeting and I was just crying watching the three little girls that make up this primary talking about how they want to serve missions and singing about going to the temple someday and about how they want to become more like their Savior. This is what its all about people! Then we sang a musical number as missionaries and everyone told us it was so good and we had an encore performance after church because everyone wanted to record it haha 🙂dscn4884dscn4886


Monday: Black Monday. Not pday. Longest day. haha so we had to go up to Budapest again for more doctor appointments and testing. They found that I had an extremely rare bad reaction to a new medicine, and basically my muscles started falling apart. But I am okay!! I have to go back tomorrow for ultrasounds and more testing to make sure nothing is damaged. I’m supposed to rest a lot for a couple weeks so I can heal. Glad I am moving to Pest becaase I wont have to travel to doctor appointments so much. Its scary to be so sick, but I am really grateful we caught the problem because that could have been really bad. I’m okay and just trying to push through and stay strong physically spiritually and emotionally! I got to talk to my family on the phone last night. #BLESSINGS!!!! It was so good to hear your voices. Oh how I miss you and love you so much!! I am so grateful for such a strong support group and for the love I feel from everyone around me.

Today: We threw a surprise funeral for Rodgers Elder since he is headed home this week. We’re gonna miss him bad!!


So all in all, this week was a really good one. I surprisingly have been happy and relatively positive even though I have been having a really hard time with my health problems and stomach pain. I was really upset because the new medicine I was on was really helping my stomach pain and sickness, and I was told I can’t take medicines like that any more now because of the crazy rare side effect I had. That was really hard for me, and I am for sure sad about it. But for some reason I just have this weird feeling in me that I can’t stop! Like a determined feeling. I am not giving up. I literally feel strength from the atonement and I know the Lord is on my side on this one. I’m just gonna keep pushing and looking for a solution to this problem. I know there is one somewhere out there and I’m not planning on quitting until I find it!

Thank you all for the love and support you send me. And for the prayers! I honestly feel the power of them and I am so grateful for you and for your amazing examples to me. I love you all so much and I hope you have a great week!

Mason Nővér
