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Sooooo, good news. If you could picture the most perfect companionship ever… it would be Hughes Nővér and I. NOT KIDDING. Happy happy happy happy happy. I wish you could hear me saying this and not just see it on the computer screen because if I were telling you this in person I would be jumping up and down and squealing and probably being really annoying. We are literally the DREAM. TEAM. just thought you would all want to know. She is from Colorado and is obsessed with teeth. She likes things very clean and organized and I am so so grateful to that. We laugh all the time and she is the hardest worker I know, but she is so patient with me when I am sick and need to take it slow. So this week:

Wednesday: Transfers!! Dream comp. Dream city. Dream district. DREAM TRANSFER!! Our Elders are super fun, its Elder Veres (I served with him in Szeged last transfer), and Elder Lawrence (an Elder that is going home the same day I am! and we have so much fun and really everything is so good. I had a dr appointment after transfers, and good news is that there is less muscle being damaged. Bad news is that muscle is still being damaged. So I have more testing tomorrow and we will see how that goes. Feeling really faithful and happy though 🙂dscn4969


Thursday: I got to meet one of our investigators, Krisztián. Wow he is cool guy. He’s probably in his late 20s and he is on a really good path right now. We love seeing progress and he is great!! We talked about staying clean through the atonement by taking the sacrament weekly and it was a great lesson. Honestly extremely nerve wracking, because Szabadkai Nővér came and taught with us… but she was so nice afterwards and told me I speak well and teach well too! So that was a huge relief. Then we met with Hajni (hi-knee), a less active. That was an amazing lesson too!!!! She agreed to read and pray every day and to start coming to church again! Woohoo!! Then Angol óra (I teach a class by myself, scary but it went so well).

Friday: We got all my hívatal stuff done in record time, had more dr appointments, and planned for the week. Nothing too exciting, but still a great day 🙂

Saturday: Best day because there was a huge ward lunch (that’s right, Pest has a WARD! Craziness. Weird to be in such a big area.) and a Christmas concert. It was so great to meet all the members and Krisztián came to the concert with his wife and we were SO happy about that.


Sunday: Sunday was an amazing day. We did a family fast and I felt SO much peace and strength from that. It was super cute, I told my companion about it and she told my old companions and then President heard about it and then all my friends and even Pres fasted with us. I feel SO blessed and so much support from my family, even when they feel so far away. I am so grateful for the spirit and for the blessings we can receive from fasting. I felt how real that is this week. I had my first church in Pest also… weirdest thing ever. There are a bunch of American families in our ward (it’s where all the foreign people come for church) so the whole church is translated into English!!!!!! Like someone stands on the front with the speaker and translates out loud while they are speaking. It is amazing language study!! And all the children running around screaming MOMMY!!!! made me feel so at home. Haha it was really the best. We got invited over to one of the American’s houses for Christmas (blessingssss am I right?) and I feel so well taken care of here 🙂


Monday: It wasn’t pday because we had Christmas zone conference. It was a blast!!!!! We got to carol, watch The Little Prince, white elephant gift exchange, delicious Hungarian Christmas food, presents from Santa, and there was a talent show. And a lot more things I can’t remember right now. We were super embarrassing and decided to do a dance to Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer for a district talent show and it was probably the best thing ever. Our zone is a really good one…I seriously love everyone!! Got my Christmas packages from my family!! I opened them and can’t wait to unwrap everything! Also mom THANK YOU!!! for the decorations. Our apartment is quite dreary and empty so they really spice up the place and we love love love them. I AM VERY HAPPY IF YOU CAN’T TELL 🙂


Sooooooo I am just feeling so grateful this week for the support I feel from all of my loved ones. The power of prayer and fasting is SO REAL and I know that I have been so strengthened by all of your prayers!! Thank you for that!! I just want you all to know that even though I am really sick and having a super hard time with that, I am SO happy. There is literally no where else that I would rather be and I know that God has put me here for a reason and I am so thankful for that knowledge! This transfer is for sure going to be one of the best.

I am so thankful to be a missionary this Christmas season. I have never felt so much of the Christmas spirit, and this Christmas is one that I will never, ever forget. I am so grateful for Jesus Christ. I am thankful that He was born, and I am thankful for this amazing time of year that we have been blessed with to remember Him. Turn your thoughts a little closer to Him this Christmas season and you will feel His love for you. I promise you that. Focus your prayers a little more on gratitude this week. Thank God for His sacrifice to show us His love for us. Ask to recognize His hand and feel His love. It is there for every single one of you 🙂

LOVE YOU ALL!! And family, I can’t wait to skype with you on SUNDAY!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! Boldog karácsonyt 🙂

Mason Nővér
