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A Hidden Miracle

Hey there friends!

I feel like I don’t really have a ton to write this week, but I promise it was a really good one!



Tuesday: We got to meet with Krisztián and we talked about the Word of Wisdom. We were super nervous to see how he would take it, and we were so surprised when he had NO problem with it. He basically already lives it! He’s basically already a Mormon and he doesn’t even know it yet hehe 🙂 Then we went to meet with someone from the area book, and we got dogged. She wasn’t home and we were upset, so we went into the nearest grocery store to get a treat. And then we saw TIBOR!! He is my comp’s favorite investigator that stopped answering our calls and just kind of fell off the face of the earth. She froze and was like Mase… thats Tibor… and I was like GO TALK TO HIM!! We had been really praying to just run into him somewhere or see him one last time and we did! He said he was sorry about not answering the phone and that he is too busy with his new job. (He has the craziest story, no time to type it out but basically his wife died and his daughter kicked him out to live on the streets with only a backpack and a tiny bit of food. He lives at a homeless shelter now and works a ton of jobs for money to survive.) He said he would start paying better attention to our calls now though, which was so cool. We felt so blessed after that! We were so upset that our lesson fell through, but little did we know that if we had had that lesson we never would have seen Tibor. The Lord works in amazing ways! There are really no coincidences.


Wednesday: Um so we had a lesson with Dezső again and he pronounced his love for me. He kept saying how I am so beautiful and how he wished he was younger and Márta was laughing her head off and I couldn’t even look at Hughes Nővér because I knew we would both loose it. He turns to Hughes and says well you’re pretty too, but Mason Nővér just SHINES!!! and we lost it. So that was the funniest lesson ever. Grateful for Márta helping us pull the lesson back on track hahaha!


Thursday: District meeting! And angol óra! And thats all.


Friday: We went to do service at the homeless shelter but no one was there… so we tracted instead and headed to church for a missionary meeting. Then we got there and heard the meeting was cancelled. Sooooo we got dinner and tracted some more.

Saturday: I was super sick so we cleaned the house and did face masks and painted nails and read the scriptures and studied a lot of Hungarian and did weekly planning. Buli.


Sunday: A good day at church! We learned about Gordon B Hinckley’s positive outlook and learned how we can achieve the same thing. It was super good!! Then we went streeting at Heroes square (one of my very most favorite places ever) and tracted and all that fun stuff.


So this week was slow but good. I got a lot of awesome emails from you all this week! Thank you for all the love and support. I feel so close to you and that is really awesome for me. This week I was thinking a lot about how we can recognize answers to our prayers. I know that as we pray for more specific things, and as we intend more sincerely to act upon the answers we receive we will better be able to recognize the answers we are receiving. I think the key part is the intended action. Trust God! He is so good and He loves you a lot. 🙂

Have the best week!!

sok szeretettel,
Mason Nővér
