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Hello to all my fans!!!!!!!

(All the new missionaries I met this week told me that they have read my whole blog, and one of them said his grandma loves to read and I think I’ve made it big you guys. Let’s take this thing global. Just kidding, but thanks to anyone who reads my ramblings and overly emotional writings about what its like to be a missionary in Budapest. Means a lot 🙂 )


So this week!

Monday: For pday we went bowling and ate Mexican food and felt like we were in America. That is all.

Tuesday: We tracted and went to service at the homeless shelter! And then we got to meet with DezsÅ‘. Love that man hahahah he still loves to read from the Book of Mormon with us and we are still trying to convince him that we are not JWs. Slowly but surely… then we were on the bus and someone called me and I was talking on the phone in English. Then there were all these ifjuságs (youths) and then just stopped and stared at me in silence and it was just really awkward and I’m a little tired of getting stared at like I’m an American alien hahaha!

Wednesday: We had district meeting a day early which was great. We went over our training for zone training and learned about how to be better teachers together. Always fun!

Thursday: Zone training!! and Swens and I had to do a training for the zone. That was horrifying!! haha we talked about accountability and how we can change our mindset and get more excited and positive about the work. I think every missionary here would tell you that before they came on their mission, they were warned that it would be hard and that they probably wouldn’t see any baptisms or much success. And when you have that being told to you it is really really hard to stay positive about the work! And that shows through in your finding. It is so important that we stay positive and excited about it all. its better to just be happier anyways 🙂 then we got o visit our new investigator, Irén. She is so awesome!! She is the first woman in Hungary to survive child birth after this crazy heart surgery she had to have a while back, and she is an amazing woman!! Really excited to get to know her better and share our message with her! Then angol óra. Buli!


Friday: We got Sister Swenson’s hivatal work done and then headed to Buda for a doctor appointment. Then we got to go on our first splits! I got to go with sister Prasanaph. She is the cutest thing ever!!! She is from Thailand and we are actually the same person. It’s pretty funny actually! She just came to the country about a week ago and it was so fun to show her around and help her with tracting and streeting approaches. So many laughs!!


Saturday: I got to meet with József, the first man I ever taught on my mission! I remember it so vividly, the first day I was in my first area, Szolnok. We taught him in the branch house and he speaks pretty great English. I just remember looking at sister Withers afterwards and crying saying there is no way I will ever be a good enough missionary to teach a lesson to a Hungarian! And I got to meet with him again, and it just really helped me to see how far I’ve come. It’s awesome because sometimes it is really really hard to see that progress in yourself!! So that was awesome to see a glimpse of it 🙂 Then we got to meet with Angéla and Zoltán again, love them!! We taught them about charity and God’s love and how we can pray and gain that love for ourselves!! It was awesome! Zoltán is really opening up his heart and becoming more open to coming back to church 🙂 Then we streeted around Heroes square and grabbed some fro-yo for a weekly planning treat. Great day!!!


Sunday: DezsÅ‘ came to church!!!!!!! woot woot!!! It was the cutest thing I have ever seen!!! His phone went off in sacrament like SUPER loudly! and he didn’t know how to turn it on silent so he was just hitting it as hard as he could and we were DYING laughing!! And instead of silencing it he answered it and accidentally put it on speaker hahaha!! And someone was up there bearing their testimony. Best fast Sunday of my life hahaha! Then it was a raining day so finding in the rain is always the best…. jk

Monday: We got our groceries and went to the basilica and climbed up to the top and took some AWESOME pics!!!!



My comp is AMAZING and plays guitar whenever we are in the house and I just cry of the beauty. She is so cool and it just makes us so happy when she plays all these cute songs 🙂

SPRING HAS COME!!!! I haven’t even been wearing a jacket and it is the most beautiful thing of my life. I have no idea how i made it through that horrible winter, but I did and I’m still alive!! Woohoo!!


Well, it is now March, which means… that i will see you all NEXT MONTH!!! Holy cow, I actually hate that. I mean I love you all, but I never want to leave this beautiful place I get to call my home. I am going to miss this crazy language!! And these amazing and loving people I have come to know and love so dearly! And the food and the nénis and the tacky stuff everywhere and the strange European styles and just everything about this place. My comp is awesome and helps me to try to be excited about going home instead of scared out of my mind. We are going to KILL it these last 6 weeks and i am so stinking excited about it! We have make a goal to be more courageous and talk to more people on the street and on transportation and to talk to all kinds of people! Not just the ones who look nice or nonthreatening 🙂 haha

Well, that’s about it for this week. I challenge you all to go back and read the last conference from October before the new one comes! I have really loved studying the conference talks more on my mission. I used to take them so for granted, but out here I have really learned how to study them and to take them and apply them to my life! It’s awesome to let them change you!! God loves you and so do I!!

Mason Nővér
