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Another fantastic one…



So this was the first week of the transfer, and it was perfect!!! I seriously love my new companion, Swenson Nővér, so stinking much. We haven’t stopped laughing yet and I am just happy happy happy.


So this week:

Wednesday: Transfer day!! Woohoo! It was so great. I got to see all my cute missionary friends and had the best first day with Swens. We just grocery shopped and got settled in and I showed her around our cute city. Also I got a package from my family and they just nailed it. I love you guys!!


Thursday: District meeting with the new district. I love them!!!! We are seriously going to have a perfect transfer. Couldn’t have thought of a better way to end my mission than with these fabulous people! Then we had angol óra and a lot of finding time. Woohoo!



Friday: MLC! (mission leadership council) that took up our whole day and my brain was FRIED by the end. Too much Hungarian, haha 🙂 but it was really good and I love all the people I get to serve with. They all just inspire me! I also got to see my MTC comp, Roche Nővér for the first time in over a year. She finally made it out into the field and there were so many happy tears when we saw each other and hugged!! It was a little taste of what it will be like to see my family again and it was so exciting. Love that girl.


Saturday: We got to meet with Magdi again. She took us to Starbucks and bought us some treats and we talked about her son and how happy she is that he found the church. It was so precious and we really see this going somewhere with her! So that is really exciting. Then we cleaned the branch house with a member, Gábor. He is so cool and bought us REAL AMERICAN DR PEPPER!!!!!! What the heck!! He is seriously so cool. And he took us out to Ikea for dinner after and I felt so close to Berlyn. Shout out to you!! Love you girl!!


Sunday: A great day at church! Swens loved the Americans and all the other members. I still feel so weird that church is translated into English here. I have never understood so much church for like a really stinking long time. So that was awesome! And then we just streeted around Heroes square and tracted and found a new investigator, Irén! she was so cute and we set up a time for next week. Excited to meet with her 🙂


So it was a really really great first week. We are going to just work so hard this transfer and I know it will be perfect in every way!!! Love you all and thinking of you often.

Mason Nővér
