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The last transfer call!


So… this morning we got our transfer calls! This was my last transfer call, and to be honest I cried a little bit. I just can’t believe that tomorrow will be the first day of my last transfer as a missionary in Hungary!! How did the last year and a half go so fast? I don’t know. I really don’t understand how time moved so quickly and how soon this all will come to an end. So…for my last transfer I will be staying in Pest!! Woohoo!! and my new companion will be Swenson Nővér. She is the cutest thing and we have been dying to serve together ever since we met on instagram when we had our mission calls! She is only one group below be which is awesome. And also I was called to be a Sister Training Leader. Honestly that was super unexpected and I’m trying to get excited about it. I just feel really inadequate but I do have a testimony that God qualifies the called and doesn’t call the qualified. I think this will be a really awesome last transfer and I will for sure go out with a bang. Pest won’t even know what hit it when Swens and I tear it up!!



So for the rest of this week…

Tuesday: Valentines day. Which is a very special exciting day when you are a missionary. Haha just kidding. But it was a great day! We got to meet with Krisztián and we talked about the sacrament and being able to utilize the atonement weekly through that. It was super good! Then we had sportnap which is always fun. I love those people there!! They make me so happy. 🙂



Wednesday: Soooo we had to clean for cleaning checks and we decided it was the day to destroy the black mold that is ALL OVER our house. It is so gross and I really don’t like talking about it. But it had to go and so we bleached out the place (this really wasn’t a very healthy ordeal) and killed it all and we called it the Black Mold Massacre. And we got to meet with Dezső again which is always just a treat. Never know what’s going to come out of that crazy mans mouth hahah!!



Thursday: Last district meeting 🙁 and cleaning checks and angol óra and it was just an all around good normal day.


Friday: We went to the homeless shelter and this crazy lady like attacked us hahaha she was telling my companion that she doesn’t have her mind in the right place and that she is too worldly and I was just like, “WOAH LADY!!! get off her back!!!!!!” and that was that hahhaa! Then we grabbed some good old KFC for dinner, (it’s actually way better here) and then we had MCM and called it a night.


Saturday: A really good Saturday actually!! We got to meet with a less active we have been trying to contact the whole transfer!! That was really great. And then we got to meet with a new investigator, Edit. She was so cute and legit. I love nénis. Gonna miss those guys. then we got invited to one of the Americans for dinner! We had igazi breakfast burritos!!!!!!!! with BACON! and SALSA!!!!!!!! and smoothies and everything felt so right and we felt really at home for a sec. It was beautiful. Then we got to do some crafting with Sister Snyder. She helped us make some cute little cards and little gift pouch things and I felt like I was back at home crafting with my mom!!! So it was a great night with them. Love that family and the support we get from them!!!

Sunday: The last Sunday of the transfer. It’s always a rough one… saying goodbye is so hard! Especially when you don’t know if you are staying or going. We got to meet with Sára one last time before she moves to Germany which was great. And then we got to go visit Penn Testvér which is always a treat. And then we weekly planned and ate too many left over cookies from the Snyders. Good night 🙂


Monday: Black Monday. Always a pretty long day to be honest. Sister Hughes and I both had a stomach bug which made it ever more fun 🙂 We got to meet with Dezső again though and start preparing for transfers which was great!

So yesterday as we were teaching Dezső, I had the opportunity to share my testimony of the Book or Mormon. I have been taking my study of it a lot more seriously recently. I have always had a strong testimony of this church, and I have always believed that the Book of Mormon was true. But as I study it deeper and deeper, I can say that that belief is turning into a sure knowledge. I love that book! I know that every person that truly reads it and sincerely asks Heavenly Father if it is true will receive their answer. As I bore a simple testimony of that to Dezső, I realized just how cool this knowledge is. I looked at him, holding the book and with tears in my eyes, I promised him that it was the Word of God. That Jesus Christ lives, and that he visited the Americas. And that our church is truly his restored church on the earth today. I know that this is true!! And I am grateful for the opportunity that I have been blessed with to share my testimony of these things every single day.

I am really excited for this next transfer. Really sad how quickly it is coming to an end, but determined to make the best of every second! And praying so hard that God will help me fulfill my new calling as an STL diligently. And to live in each moment! I know this church is true and that God loves us. He is so good!

Mason Nővér
