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Repűl az idő MTCben

(the time flies in the MTC)

2 words people.

two. weeks.

I repeat. TWO. WEEKS.




(district selfie!)


So if you can’t tell already, I’m so excited I feel like I just might explode or something. And sometimes it is hard to focus because we just dream about teaching real Hungarian people! But then I realize I can’t speak Hungarian so I focus in again. So this week…not a lot of new things happened, but a lot of funny things sure did. Here we go..


(csolity – a missionary in the mtc from hungary)

Monday: We walked in to the cafeteria…and…dinner was…CHIK-FIL-A!!!!!!!!!!! It was a moment where I just thought to myself “Oh dear, the church is true. The church is SO TRUE!!!!!!!!!!” And there were many tears of joy.

Tuesday: Gertsch Nover and I bought little whiteboards in the bookstore to practice our conjugations and stuff on for language study and oh my we are obsessed with them! They are a big help and they are really fun to write on! Also a member of the Seventy, Elder Falabella, came to speak to us for the devotional. He was a really cool guy!! He spoke about opening your mouth and speaking to each and every person you meet. He did this amazing example where he had one person stand up, and that person represented a convert to the church. Then he had five more stand up, and he said that those were that person’s children. And then he had 25 more stand up and those represented their children. And then he had 125 more stand up that represented their children. I have no idea if that even makes sense over email, but it was so powerful and amazing when everyone in the auditorium was standing, representing the posterity of that one convert. As a missionary you never truly understand how much of a difference you are making!

hermana adamsHermana Britten Bell

Wednesday: I woke up feeling all better, and I was so excited! The first world wide missionary broadcast! It was an amazing experience to hear from so many people that are so close to the Lord. I learned a lot about receiving personal revelation that day. Also I got the most delicious ginormous heart shaped brownie delivered to me but there was no note saying who it was from!! So if you are reading this, mystery brownie sender, I love you and you totally brightened my day!!!!

Thursday: I woke up really sick again with no voice and a cough and a sore throat and it hasn’t gone away since! No more fever though, so that is good, but still really not feeling my best. Which is so hard when I want to be putting my all in here!!

Friday: Our first time doing skype TRC…teaching REAL HUNGARIANS!!!!! It was such a cool experience! It really humbled me too and helped me to see how much I really don’t know how to say and how much more hard work I need to put into my time here if I want to be able to say anything when I get to Hungary!

Saturday: I cleaned more toilets… And my companion Roche Nover got the stomach flu again so I had freak out round two. It was awesome.

Sunday: We had a General Women’s meeting on the morning. Temple walk was so refreshing and it was great top have a day where I didn’t think about Hungarian all day! It was so nice to just focus on my own spirituality. We had an amazing devotional by Elder Steven B Allen. He talked to us about serving the Lord with all of our hearts and making sure that our whole heart is here in His work and not back at home or anywhere else! It gave me a good perspective.


Some random and funny things:

I am still mixing up French and Hungarian! So I said “J’ai nagyon faim” mit csoda??

We are getting a bajillion new missionaries in our zone next week and we are really excited. One of them is an all sister district heading to Belgium/Netherlands, and some new Albanians!!! Our favorite. We miss the old ones so bad.

We couldn’t fall asleep for the longest time one night because we were freaking out because we could not remember how a certain song went. We all knew that it was by Great Big World and Christina Aguilera. We were almost crying because we get so sad that we can’t remember a lot of songs! And we were laughing so hard and suddenly it got silent, and then out of nowhere I sang “Say something, I’m giving up on you…” And Gertsch and Roche jumped out of their beds onto mine and were all laughing and crying and I still have no idea how I just randomly remembered it. It doesn’t sound that funny right now, but I promise, it was HILARIOUS.

They have “Come Thou Fount” in the Hungarian Hymn book, and our teacher told us that they sing it practically every Sunday there!!! It’s a sign because that is my all time fave song and it’s not in the English Hymn book!

Learning Hungarian in the MTC is like taking an AP class on steroids all crammed into one week of lessons. For real though that’s what we feel like here! I have conjugation charts and vocab running through my mind literally 24/7.

The missionaries in my district have noticed my love of crunching on ice and they make fun of me because I practically cry when they tell me I won’t be getting any of that in my drinks in Hungary!!

temple walk (1)

We’re all pretty sure that the food here is slowly but surely killing us… Can’t wait to have real food in the airport in just 336 hours!!!!!!!!!!! (yes we really are counting down)

“You can’t say a 10 cent prayer and expect a $1,000,000 answer!”

I met Meaghan Anderson in real life!! For those of you who don’t know about her, she is serving in Berlyn Davis’ mission in Sweden and she went to pick up her brother who served in Hungary on the same day I entered the MTC!!! She is so cute and nice and she gives us so many fun details about Hungary and I can’t wait for her to finally meet Berlyn!

syster anderson!!! and i love the swedes

We get our flight plans in…drum roll please…4 days!!!!!!!!! I CANNOT CALM DOWN ABOUT IT. Some very exciting things going on around here lately.

IMG_0784love my comps

I know that I was called to Hungary for a reason! Someone told me this week “They don’t send robots to places like Hungary.” Which made me feel way better about how much I fell like I am struggling with the language.

Sometimes I get a little bit sad when I think about what my family is doing at home, and then I realize that I am not here with my whole heart! I decided yesterday that if my body is here, so should my whole heart also. I could be a lot of other places, like school, working, studying abroad, you name it. And those are all great places to be!! But there truly is nothing better that I could be doing with my life than dedicating it to the service of the Lord. I am so grateful that He has called me to serve because there really is no where else in the entire universe that I could rather be right now than in the MTC preparing to serve the Lord FULL TIME in Hungary. I realized that I only have 16 more months to be doing this so I want to eat sleep and breathe missionary work and not waste a second of this precious time that I have been given! No more “I will be happy when (blank) happens”. I will be happy and be here with my full heart NOW because my time is so limited. It scares me to feel it going away so quickly. In the missioanry broadcast they said that “This is the most important work that anyone could do in mortality.” I am trying so hard to treat it that way and to honor my calling and the name that I wear over my heart every day. Even if I am just in the MTC for now!

One last thing that I thought was cute! Bumble bees cannot fly. The ratio of their bodies to wings and their weight and all that stuff physically does not allow them to fly. But the bumble bees ignore these scientific evidences and they fly anyway! Sometimes we will feel like this as missionaries. Who wants to listen to two teenage girls talk about visions and golden plates in broken Hungarian? It doesn’t seem like this work is possible sometimes. But we missionaries do it anyway! We do our best and hand it over to the Lord and He makes up the rest (which is A LOT). I am so thankful for a loving Savior that is working on me and who is helping me to turn my weaknesses into strengths.

Have an amazing week! I love you and think about you every day!!!

sok szeretettel,
Mason Nover

“Smile until 10 in the morning and the rest of the day will take care of itself.”

hungarians with csolity (2)IMG_0028

girl from deseret book