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Last words from the MTC


Well friends, the time has come. At 3:35 am tomorrow morning (Monday) I will be saying goodbye to this wonderful place that I have been so blessed to call my home for the last 9 weeks. Being here has taught me so much. About my Savior, about how to be a better representative of Him, about this crazy Magyar language, and a lot about myself. I am so grateful for this place and for the spirit that I have felt here and for how much I have grown and changed in the best of ways. So many tears were cried, laughs were shared, and hugs were given, and it breaks my heart to think that my time of being in the MTC as a young missionary is over.


I just wanted to share my simple testimony of my Savior, Jesus Christ. I know that He loves you more than you can comprehend. He is so aware of us. I know that because I have seen His hand in my life more in the last 9 weeks than I have in my whole life before my mission. He knows exactly what we need and when we need it. We always have a friend in our Savior Jesus Christ. We can always turn to Him because He knows how we feel at every second of our day. He rejoices with us in the joyous times, and He weeps with us through the sorrowful ones. All we have to do is turn to Him and lean on Him. He will lighten our loads. He will get us through the times when we think that we are at the end of our rope. He will always help us to find another little piece to hold on to. When we turn to our Heavenly Father through prayer, He blesses us with with more peace and strength than we could ever imagine. I know that because without this blessing of strength and peace, there is no way I could still be here, on this mission, learning this ridiculously hard language. There have been a lot of days where I just sit down and cry, thinking that I can’t do it anymore. I can’t learn this language. I don’t have enough knowledge of the scriptures. I am not strong enough to do this for a year and a half of my life. But in those moments, that is when I feel my Savior lifting me up. He proves to me each and every day that He is here, standing by me, helping me to do what I need to do to be able to bring God’s love into the lives of the Hungarians. I have given up everything that I hold dear to my heart, and leaving pieces of my heart behind, to serve my Savior. I am so thankful for the knowledge of this gospel and for the immense amount of joy that it has brought into my life. And I am so excited to be able to share a piece of the Savior’s love for the Hungarian people.

Thank you so much for all of your love and support in my decision to serve. I love you all and I think about you and pray for you daily. Remember that there is always someone praying for you in Hungary!

sok szeretettel,
Mason Nover

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