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Utolsó Hét Emberek!!

(Last week people!!)

I can’t believe the day has finally come. My very last Pday in the MTC. Next Monday at 3:35 AM I will be on my way to Magyarország. WHAT THE WHAAAA!?!?

Okay so this week was probably one of the weirdest weeks of my entire life. I feel like I was just emailing yesterday!! And like this whole week was a dream.


Monday: A great Pday! But I learned a big lesson on Monday. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR!! All day I kept telling my companions that I was craving adventure, and that I just wanted some excitement in my life. Then, the unexpected happened. WE ESCAPED THE MTC after not seeing the real world for 8 WHOLE WEEKS. Roche was complaining of some stomach pains, so she just took some medicine and tried to shrug it off. But the pains eventually got so severe that we had to take her to the Emergency Room. When we got into a car my eyes teared up a little and then we saw Costa Vida the tears were flowing. You guys. DANG! I miss real food more than anything else!! And then, well, let’s just say I got my adventure. There was a lady screaming in the waiting room and banging on everything and crying so hard. She was having some intense drug withdrawals and Sister Roche, Sister Gertsch and I were just looking at each other like… “Well, it looks like we’re not on the MTC anymore!” We stayed up WAY past our bed time, which is 10:30. We didn’t get back until around 2 AM I think! We got to drive all around town and we even went to three different pharmacies to get all of Sister Roche’s prescriptions. So that was really cool and I felt like a fugitive or something. But in all seriousness, Sister Roche is really sick and we are not sure if she is going to be able to come with us the Hungary. Which has been really hard and extremely emotional for all of us! We have been praying for a miracle.



Tuesday: We spent the day at the doctors office here with Sister Roche and we just studied a TON while she was in all of her appointments. We were so nervous about falling behind missing so much class so Sister Gertsch and I studied so much! Also I braided my hair wet so it could be wavy and cute like Gertsch Nover does hers…but when I took it out… it was a straight up disaster. Like the worst I think my hair could ever possibly look. Mom, I sent pics. Not sure if they are blog appropriate or just straight up embarrassing. I trust you to be the judge of that.


Wednesday: Gertsch Nover made like 10 drinks that were stuck in the vending machine fall, which was hilarious and awesome because so many sisters were walking past us saying “that’s been broken for days, there’s no way you can fix it.” And then all the drinks come crashing down and we were jumping up and down and screaming! Not very missionary-like behavior now that I think about it, but we have to make our own fun here az MTCben. Also we got sooooo many new missionaries! They are all so cute and I love them a lot. There are 14 new SISTERS in our zone now! So sad we are leaving so soon because I just want to be best friends with them all.

Thursday: More doctors appointments all day and literally nothing else. But it’s totally cool because we just study a lot to make up for all of the missed class.


Friday: WE GOT OUR FLIGHT PLANS!!!! Salt Lake –> Atlanta –> Amsterdam –> BUDAPEST! We were screaming and jumping around again!


Saturday: I honestly can’t remember…I just remember that we had a lot of study time and my tummy hurt really bad.

Sunday: Temple walk day!! It was sooo snowy but we love the snow!! It is so white and clean and happy! We all thought that I was for sure going to have to speak in Sacrament Meeting (in Hungarian) and so I was really nervous! They tell you literally 10 seconds before you have to get up there and speak who is speaking, so everyone has to have a talk prepared. They didn’t call on me and I was so excited about it. Then we had a district musical number. We sang Tudom Hogy Jo Megváltom Él (I Know That My Redeemer Lives) and it was really powerful. And then I taught Relief Society with all of the new sisters! I was so nervous because I really wanted to be able to bring the spirit in, because I know how tough that first Sunday is. Everyone was making such inspired comments and the spirit was so strong and it was definitely doing its job!

Today get to escape again!!!!! Because Sister Roche has more doctors appointments but with a specialist this time.

I don’t have much time because we are heading to the doctors but I love you all! Next time I send a big group email like this it will be from my area in HUNGARY!! WOOHOO!!

Remember who you are and make good choices. Read from the scriptures daily! It will make God’s tender mercies so much more apparent in your life and it will bring so much peace.

Hianyzól nekem! (you are missing from me)

Sok szeretettel,
Mason Nover
