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Just another week in Kaposvar…

Hey there everyone!!

I hope you all had a great week and that this email finds you happy and healthy and all that good stuff. ๐Ÿ™‚

To be honest this week was pretty so so. Sometimes you have good ones, other times bad ones. So I guess I can settle for a so so one haha!

Monday: The Petersons make us dinner every Monday night after emailing! They are so kind. I am actually on a crazy strict diet right now because I have some stomach problems and they even made me a special everything free meal!! I just love them and don’t know what I would do without them. Home away from home ๐Ÿ™‚


Tuesday: We got to go on splits with the Buda STLs. I always love splits! On the train ride there I was sitting there looking out the window, just thinking about how much I love this country. How crazy it is that a year ago I was just about to get my mission call, and I had NO IDEA that Hungary was even a place. And now there I was, 7 months into my mission in Hungary…just in love with the place and people. AND THEN I look out the window…and I see… MILES AND MILES AND MILES of sunflower fields. The rest of the 3 hour train ride was all sunflowers!! I couldn’t help but tear up when I realized just how much my Heavenly Father loves me and looks out for me ๐Ÿ™‚ย  (Katie’s mom here — in case you didn’t know sunflowers have been Katie’s favorite flower since she was a little girl. She has been obsessed with them ever since she heard a story about how sunflowers always turn towards the light and how we should always turn towards the light too – the light of Christ. She has always always wanted to see a real field of sunflowers and when she heard about the sunflowers in Hungary she knew it was meant to be.)


Wednesday: After splits we went to Slavo’s falu again…and what do you know? We drive by more sunflower fields!!!! This time we got to get out and take pictures. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!! Even though this orszag (country) is crazy…I just love it!! With my whole heart. We had a great lesson with Rosza there and she said when she gets an answer about this church she will be baptized! So that was really great ๐Ÿ™‚



Thursday: Angol ora (English class) which I always love and we went to visit a member, Marta. The branch asked us to visit her weekly. She is the sweetest thing. She always tells us if it weren’t for Sundays and Thursdays her life wouldn’t be worth living. She always cooks for us, and when I told her everything I can’t eat right now she cried for me. I LOVE THIS LADY!! So she gave me a HUGE plate of apricots and peaches and I went to town ๐Ÿ™‚

Friday: We went to Magdus and Brigi’s again and they cooked for us also. They also freaked out when I said I can’t eat anything and then they gave me the biggest bowl of rice and another huge plate of apricots! I’m in apricot heaven here. The best of all fruits. I love how kind these people are and how loved they make me feel. I felt bad because it’s my job to make them feel loved, and it felt so backwards. But I was really happy and felt so much love for them. Magdus has been praying about a specific baptism date so that is really good too ๐Ÿ™‚

Saturday: I was sick and tired of not eating sweet things so I threw a bunch of stuff in a pan and out came some actually pretty delicious brownies! Sugar, gluten, dairy, soy, and everything free…but they certainly didn’t taste like it!! That made for a good day, obviously. Then we went to visit a new investigator, Ice. She was found while tracting. She is a Seventh Day Adventist and she is actually really golden I think. She is so kind and she came to church on Sunday and everything. Really interested in Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon ๐Ÿ™‚

Sunday: Just a day full of studies, tracting, and church. Actually a really good day though. Except for when my companion made me translate for an English speaker and a German lady!! Haha no I do not speak German so that was funny. Also when I was trying to translate it seemed as though I had forgotten every Hungarian word I ever learned and mostly just sat there saying I’m sorry I really don’t understand what they are saying…and wanted to drown in a puddle of embarrassment tears. But I made it out alive and am here today to tell the tale. Haha!

Monday: Blessed pday. A trip to tesco and a day cleaning the apartment.


Last week I told you I love nectarines. This week I learned I am not the smartest and that the things I love are actually called apricots. Haha! So I love apricots.

Apparently my blog made it onto the Prepare to Serve website! I’m famous!!! And you are all lucky to know me ๐Ÿ˜‰ totally kidding.

Rozsa didn’t come to church on Sunday…and Slavo told us that he thinks she talked to their neighbor who doesn’t particularly like Mormons. We are really nervous and are going to try and visit her this week.

Sister Adams…she is the STL I went on splits with. I love her! She changed my mission!! Last transfer she really helped me gain perspective and learn how to pray one day while we were on splits and I was a little upset about some aspects of mission life. I love her! I love that the mission gives you life long friends. She is an amazing example to me and I hope to be able to help someone like she helped me that one day about 3 months ago. Going on splits again with her was so great and it just made me love mission life and good friendships.

Today a missionary I love a lot (one of the STLs when I got here) had to go home early to get a knee surgery. I have been thinking about her a lot this week and about how upset I would be if I had to leave for home right now. I would be absolutely crushed! Realizing that we can’t take one day for granted in this life! Nothing is ever for certain. The only thing I know that will never change is God’s love for us, his literal children. And I love that the gospel never changes. Working really hard on being grateful even when I don’t want to be and on never taking a second for granted.

I love this church and I love this work. Long live Hungary!!

sok szeretettel,

Mason Nover
