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God knows better


I hope you all had another great week. I don’t have a ton of time to write this email so I hope I can at least get a good message or two across!! I had a pretty spiritual week, which is always a good boost when you need it 🙂

Monday: We watched a great video after dinner with the Petersons. It was a talk by Elder Bednar about how grace actually means the enabling power of the atonement. It was about how sometimes we are praying for the wrong thing. Like in my case, it would be praying to have my stomach healed, rather than praying for strength (from the atonement) to get me through my trial without actually taking any of the hard stuff away. I am totally butchering this, but I have really gained a great perspective this week as I have tried to pray differently and remember that the atonement is for saints and sinners. We truly can use it in our lives every single day and what a blessing that is!DSCN2895

Tuesday: We got to meet with a new investigator, Bea and her two cute kids. I love teaching families! It is just so special because that is what this gospel is all about. I love my family and I feel really grateful to be able to be here helping these families be able to live together forever, just like mine can 🙂 Then we met with a 20 year old girl, Luca. She said she doesn’t like coming to church because she thinks the hymns and the sacrament are weird. The two best parts!!! I didn’t really know how to help her so I was praying so so so hard to know what to say. I ended up just bearing my testimony of hymns and that the sacrament is repeated weekly so we can remember it. I am so grateful for that ordinance because every week I can remember my covenants and try to be the best Kate Mason I can be!


Wednesday: Up until Wednesday it was the hottest weather I have hands down ever experienced! The humidity just makes it crazy unbearable. I was getting dizzy every time we walked too much and dehydrated and stuff. God answered our prayers on Wednesday with a HUGE thunderstorm!! I have never experienced anything like it before! So stinking cool. I got basically no sleep because the thunder was crazy loud but I was so happy the whole time because it was soo cool. And it has actually been really cold all week up until today. So that was great!!!!!! Huge, huge blessing.DSCN2876

Thursday: Just angol ora and not much else exciting haha.

Friday: We went out to visit Slavo and Rozsa. Sadly Rozsa didn’t show up. She isn’t interested with meeting us anymore because of what her neighbors said to her about the church. That made me really upset… but good news is Slavo bought a horse! hahaha you never know what you are going to find when you go to that man’s house. It tried to bite my companion a lot of times and I stayed far away haha!!


Saturday: Rain allllll day long. It didn’t stop for even five minutes. No lessons or anything, just a long day of raining finding.

Sunday: I gave a talk and I actually survived!! woot woot!!! I really am still not confident in my Hungarian abilities yet but I gave a talk and lived so I guess I’m going somewhere with it haha!


My companion and I are obsessed with coloring Disney princesses and this Paris coloring book every night before bed. Gotta have that creative outlet you know?

The youth in my home ward all signed a laundry bag for me before I went into the mtc and I sit down and read every signature before I do my laundry on pdays. That little bag has given me a lot of strength! Love it!

Sunflowers here grow FAST!!! I took a pic in the same field as last week but this time they were way over my head! So fun.


This week I was stressed out about something…not knowing how some things in my life will work out and just some of that normal worrying I tend to do. We were driving home from Slavos falu and I looked out the window and saw those miles of sunflowers and the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen (I know I always say that but REALLY they get prettier every time!! this was the prettiest yet) and I just heard my new favorite scripture, D&C 101:16 running through my head over and over and over. “Therefore, let your hearts be comforted concerning Zion; for all flesh is in mine hands; be still and know that I am God.” I realized that God was telling me that He has a perfect plan, and even if things don’t work out the exact way that I WANT them too, they will still work out perfectly the way I NEED them too. God knows better than me. He just does!

sok szeretettel,

Mason Nover

