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Heart, might, mind and strength!


Hogy vagytok?? How are you all?? Opening my email to a box FULL of emails from everyone really made me so happy today! Thank you thank you thank you for all the love and support. I am so happy and so blessed with such amazing people in my life.

Nothing too exciting this week…

Tuesday: A day in Budapest! I had a…fun… dr appointment and then I got to be reunited with my favorite Gertsch Nover!!!!!!!! We had a really great zone training about how to plan better and use our time more wisely. I love love love seeing Sister Gertsch and all the other missionaries I love here so much. Sister Szabadkai even made me a special lunch since I can’t eat anything and I was so happy!!


Wednesday: We got to meet with Brigi and Magdus and had another great lunch. Magdus said she has decidied to not be baptized until her granddaughter Evi gets home. We are just trying to help her keep progressing and feeling the spirit and remembering why she is meeting with us until she decides the time is right.

Thursday: We got to meet with Marta and we read Elder Hollands talk from the last conference with her. Dang, That is a really good talk. We all felt the spirit and felt motivated to just be better and not to worry about what God has planned but just to do our best. That is so important to remember as a missionary, especially in a place like Europe. Sometimes I feel like I work so hard just for nothing, but really I can’t let that get me down! God expects us to try our best all the time. Working on that 🙂

Friday: Long day of weekly planning and tracting.

Saturday: The Babcsany family in the branch had a kerti buli (garden party) which was really fun! I love this branch so much! Such kind and loving people. Then just lots of tracting.


Sunday: We taught Relief Society! Which actually turned out well so that was a success!! It was the talk I Am a Child of God from last conference. Dang that is a really good one too!! We always say and sing those words, I am a child of god. but do we REALLY understand what that means? How AMAZING that is? We can do all things becuase of it!! I don’t know, just feeling really really inspired becuase of that this week. He allows earthly suffering because He loves us! Because He knows it will bless us. When we understand that, everything is just so much better I think. Still hard, but the big picture just makes it easier to me.


Monday: Shopping at Tesco and a district picnic. That was a fun time 🙂 We love our elders and the Petersons!! Truly don’t know what I would do without them.


Actually no randoms sorry hahaha

Sorry I feel like my emails and getting more and more boring!!

This week I have been thinking a lot about what it means to give our heart, might, mind and strength to God. I feel like the might and strength is the easier part. I am already here, and now I just have to put in my effort. But the heart and mind is a lot harder I think. And that’s the more important part, because if you think about it, our mind and heart (or our will and our desires) are the only things in the whole wide world that God does not have. When we give Him our will, and turn ourselves over to Him one HUNDRED percent, only then can He work on us. It absolutely requires discomfort and pain to grow. God knows that, and I am so grateful that God that is willing to let me me be hurt and cut me down, so that he can make me into the person He knows I can be, and the person that He needs me to be!

Sok szeretettel, (shoke sare-ett-tet-tell)

Mason Nővér

I realized this week I never taught you how to say nővér!! It’s like this: new-vare 🙂